Indicate if you are interested in one of these special positions.
EDITOR – compiles and emails the monthly newsletter (fun job but must be computer literate).
HOSPITALITY CHAIR- supervises set-up and clean-up at the monthly general meetings.
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE – assists the Hospitality Chair with set up and clean up for the monthly general meeting.
PUBLICITY CHAIR– promotes various activities of the club.
SUNSHINE – on behalf of the club, sends cards to members to celebrate birthdays or express concerns or condolences.
WEBMISTRESS – manages the club website.
WOMAN OF THE MONTH – interviews a club member, reads the interview at the monthly meetings so members can guess who it is, and then submits interview as an article for the newsletter. (This is a great way to get to know people!)
SUMMER PARTY COMMITTEE – This committee plans the annual Summer Party.
I would like to chair this committee. yes no
WINTER PARTY COMMITTEE – This committee plans the annual Winter Party.
I would like to chair this committee. yes no
There are many social opportunities to participate in. Please indicate your areas of interest.
BUNCO – an easy to learn game with dice, this group meets once a month. I would like to be a regular sub
CARD GAMES – play card games such as poker, canasta, hand and foot, bridge, etc.
COASTAL CARAVANS – enjoy leisurely hikes at local recreation sites.
GADABOUTS – members visit a variety of historical and/or natural places of interest, such as museums or gardens.
GIRL’S NIGHT OUT - members enjoy a special meal at an upscale restaurant every other month.
GOURMET GROUP – for members and their spouses or guest. Members take turns as hostess, planning the menu, sending out recipes to participants and meeting to enjoy a delicious and fun meal.
MEXICAN TRAIN – fun game for 2-8 players using dominoes. I would like to be a regular _____sub
OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH – members meet at local restaurants for lunch once a month
OUT TO THE MOVIES GROUP – members meet at a local movie theater to see a film and enjoy appetizers afterwards.
STITCHING 4 CHARITIES – members meet to sew, knit or crochet items for various charities here and abroad.
WOMEN’S GOURMET – a gourmet group for women only. Members will meet at a member’s home to enjoy a meal
cooked by the participants.
WOMEN’S HISTORY GROUP – members meet to discuss important/interesting women in history.
I would like to be in charge of the following group:
I would like to start a new group. Here is a brief description: _
If you are a new member, how did you find out about our club?
Click to edit text. What do visitors to your website need to know about you and your business?